About Us

Elizabeth Klyne

Elizabeth Klyne 

If you are exploring the possibility of working with me, I’d like to thank you for your time and attention in reading what follows. If what is written here resonates with you, please get in touch. I will be happy to answer any questions.

I have spent most of my professional life since 1996 as a coach and have been a certified Shadow Work coach since 2014 and group facilitator since 2015. I’m also a Shadow Work Coaching trainer, mother, cake baker and Director of Women in Power CIC. I live in Brighton with my husband and two sons and work both online and in person in Lewes, East Sussex, at The Open Door Clinic, offering Shadow Work and Neurofeedback.

I’ve had the privilege of working with some extraordinary people, from students to parents to CEOs of publicly-quoted companies. Yet the most challenging work I have done relates to my own experience of complex PTSD, both my own and that of close family members. Shadow Work gave me the compassion and skills to embrace all of life’s experience, no matter how dark or difficult. All my work is trauma-informed, and I am currently in training to become a Somatic Experiencing practitioner. I can accompany you to the places within you that you may not have been able to access:

“For me, that is true love: to witness someone in their darkest moments and go all the way with them until they find their own spark of light. I cannot express how grateful I am for this healing grace.” AM, software marketer

It’s hard to put into words what Shadow Work makes possible, but if you believe that there’s more to you and your life than you can currently access, please get in touch to discuss how I can help you.

What clients say…

“There are lots of different kinds of intelligence and Elizabeth moves between them and speaks articulately from them all. It’s extraordinary and unusual to encounter someone who has that at their disposal and to have it at my service.”    KE, management consultant

“Working with Elizabeth was challenging, inspiring, and liberating. With her support, keen intelligence and empathetic insight I was able to reconsider my old beliefs and take possession of my talents and capacity to contribute to the world. My confidence has grown enormously. I have far more peace of mind and I no longer panic about the future.”    AS, theatre director and playwright

“You’ve managed to dig out all the issues and help me get my head around them… there’s an empathy which is about getting inside the situation which I haven’t seen before. “    

RL, board director, FTSE 100 

“You helped me so much I can’t even explain it in words. I feel like you are a warrior of fine skill, detail, knowledge and care and absolute courage – I’ve never felt so safe to dive into my violence in that way.” RT, physical therapist

“Your training has had such a profound impact on my life, which in turn has powerful effects on my family and core.” WE, former CEO of investment bank

“The space felt really safe and welcoming…. The process was great… and it suited me that it was down to you to figure it out and that you got out as much as you put in. The facilitation was brilliant. It has been life-changing for me. It has helped me find balance and feel peace within myself, as well as having practical positive benefits in my life, work and relationships.”    RL, software marketer

“I feel so deeply supported by the session, your amazing, patient, lightning-fast skills and your warm humour and clarity. Very appreciative.”  AC, university lecturer

Greg Manning

Greg has been around Shadow Work in various forms since 2014, and helps people to discover and integrate their shadows in the Shadow of the Shaman space holding course. Greg has been studying the Cliff Barry methods for Shadow Work since 2018.

Greg brings a wealth of experience working with people in deep transformational processes in the other work he does with shamanic work, breath work, and trauma integration work.

What clients say…

"Greg holds a safe container for everything to happen as it should" JG

"My journey with Greg has been life changing for me. It has been a deep dive into myself the deep self enquiry has enabled me to meet hidden parts of myself and bring them into the light of my consciousness and turn the shadow aspects of my being into my gold to enable me to do things I never thought imaginable. I am coming home to myself truly with compassion." AC

"When I began working with Greg, I was unaware of my shadows and how greatly they affected me in every area of my life. I didn’t realise how traumatised I was and that there was a different way to live. I had lost so much of myself, I didn’t know who I was and was deeply sad, tired, lost and overwhelmed with fear and doubt. The shadow work journey is magic on so many levels. The teaching, the support, the sharing, the laughs, the love!

I have completely transformed during the last 2 years with Greg. I have shed so many layers of pain, faced many fears and have been able to understand myself and why I was stuck in repeating patterns. I see and feel clearly for the first time in my life. It has healed my trust in people, my faith in being alive and opened my heart up to love. I’m in tune with myself now and no longer weighed down by fear. I’ve found my true reason for being on this Earth. It has given me my life back and I truly feel that my soul is now free." RH