
Our Next Pilgrimage is Mexico 2025

Incredible and unique walking pilgrimage through the indigenous heart land of healing, acceptance and discovery.

  • Traditional ceremonies with indigenous shamans and cultures
  • Journeys with ancient indigenous master-plants in pristine nature
  • Hidden and restricted Temple time
  • Community, music and fellowship for our personal journeys
  • 3-17 May 2025
  • Total journey price £5,000

Journey into the Inner Sanctum

Awe and wonder are powerful experiential emotions for creating change, so it makes sense that you experience the most magical places to do the most magical things with the most magical people. Your journey will take you across awe-inspiring nature, culture and ancient wisdoms.

“Life is a pilgrimage. The wise person does not rest by the roadside inns. They march direct to the illimitable domain of eternal bliss, their ultimate destination.” Swami Sivananda

It's a Calling

To ignore a calling is akin to rejecting our own light! A calling can come in many forms. When part of our destiny reaches backwards in time to wink at us, we can feel it as an urge, or a knowing. Often the body is better than the mind at hearing a calling.

Synchronicities and serendipities are signs that we are following the path we are meant to. A calling, whether it makes sense to us or not, is a way our internal compass points to us the direction of our most intimate longings. Like a pilgrimage - the path may be hard, but purpose and fulfilment are the sweetest of rewards.